Promotionals for NGS Products Top
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1970-1990 Items | Return to Top |
1975 Letter and Broadside promotional for the Book "We Americans"... A letter is on the front (see below) with this display on the back. 8 ½" x 11". Click on Pic to Enlarge
1975 Letter and Broadside promotional for Book "We Americans"... This is the letter side (see above). Click on Pic to Enlarge |
1975 Promotional for the Book "We Americans"... Both front and back are shown of this poster sized brochure. 5 ½" x 9" folded. Click on Pic to Enlarge |
1977 Special Publications book reservations change card... 3 ¼" x 7 ¼"... This came with a book invoice and the back side has Special Publications Books listed with the opportunity to add to, or substitute for, the automatic send that is the next one scheduled to be sent. (in this case, "Railroads") Click on Pic to Enlarge |
Promotional to join Subscription to the National Audubon Society Floro and Fauna of the World first day Cover collection. Two sided 3 1/4" x 10' insert found in a May 1978 Magazine. Joint NGS and Audubon Society endeavor. Both Sides shown.
Click on Pic to Enlarge |
1979 Promotional for the Book "Wild Animals of North America"... Both front and back are shown of this poster sized brochure. 5 ½" x 8 ¾" folded. This piece is the "star" in a complete promotional mailing (see below) Click on Pic to Enlarge |
1979 Letters of Promotional for the Book "Wild Animals of North America"... All of these pieces are double sided and a composite is shown here. The package, including the envelope as mailed has the tear off missing (presumably send back in the return envelope). This was part of the materials from the Van Vranken family ephemera. Click on Pic to Enlarge |
1979 Promotional for 1979/80 Series Special Publications ... 7 ¼" x 3 ¼" folded... This series books were $5.75 + ship and handling each. Click on Pic to Enlarge |
1981 World Atlas, 5th Edition Promotional Package.... The National Geographic Society sent this one to the late John Magdaleno, a San Francisco collector. I got it from his estate along with magazines and maps he had not gotten sold before he died. Poster sized promotional... 5 ½" x 8 ¾" folded. (see below for contents). Click on Pic to Enlarge |
1981 World Atlas, 5th Edition Promotional Package.... This mailing includes a letter, reservation card, members and reviewers notes along with the above all in the original mailing envelope. Click on Pic to Enlarge |
1981 Promotional Package for the 1947-1976 National Geographic Society Index.... The package includes this mini poster ... 5 ½" x 8 ¾" folded, as well as the pictured items in the next two groups. Click on Pic to Enlarge |
1981 Promotional Package for the 1947-1976 NGS Index.... This is the inside of the above brochure. Click on Pic to Enlarge |
1981 Promotional Package for the 1947-1976 NGS Index.... This is the letter, response card, and the 1981 supplement info all with the original mailing envelope. From the Van Vranken Estate.
1981 Promotional Card for the Book "Lost Empires".... This card was included with the book to suggest a gift of the book to a friend. 3 ½" x 7 ¼" Click on Pic to Enlarge |
1981 Promotional for the Book "China".... This is a poster sized brochure. 5 ½" x 8 ¾" folded. It came with the double sided map/letter below. Click on Pic to Enlarge |
1981 Promotional for the Book "China".... This is a simple map with letter and reader comments on the reverse. 8 ½" x 5 ½" folded. Click on Pic to Enlarge |
1982 to 1990 Items | Return to Top |
1983 Promotional Package for the 1947-1983 NGS Index... This mini poster sized brochure is shown with the front and back side by side... 5 ½" x 8 ¾" folded. Click on Pic to Enlarge |
1983 Promotional Package for the 1947-1983 NGS Index... This shows the rest of the package included with the above. Shown are a letter, response card, and the original envelope as mailed to Mr. Van Vranken. Click on Pic to Enlarge |
1983 Promotional for 20th Series Special Publications... This reservation card is 4" x 9" with a detachable return section and a "keep for records" portion. Click on Pic to Enlarge |
1985 Promotional for the Book "Discovering Britian and Ireland".... This is a poster sized brochure. 5 ½" x 8 ¾" folded. (shown is the front and back). Click on Pic to Enlarge |
1985 Promotional for the Book "The Adventure of Archaeology".... This is a poster sized brochure. 5 ½" x 8 ¾" folded. (shown is the front and back). Click on Pic to Enlarge |
1985 Promotional for the Book "The Incredible Machine".... This is a poster sized brochure. 5 ½" x 8 ¾" folded. (shown is the front and back). Click on Pic to Enlarge |
1985 Promotional for the Book "The Incredible Machine".... This shows an inclusion that came with those above and below. Click on Pic to Enlarge |
1985 Promotional for the Book "The Incredible Machine".... This shows the rest of the package included with the above. Shown are the letter, response card, an insert, and the original envelope as mailed in 1992 (the brochure is copyright 1985). Click on Pic to Enlarge |
1988 Promotional for the Book "Historical Atlas of the United States".... This is a poster sized brochure. 5 ½" x 8 ¾" folded. (shown is the front and back). Click on Pic to Enlarge |
1988 Promotional for the Book "Historical Atlas of the United States".... This shows some of the package included with the above. There is a letter, response card, an insert, and the original envelope as mailed in 1993 (the brochure is copyright 1988). Click on Pic to Enlarge |
1988 Promotional for the Book "Historical Atlas of the United States".... This shows some of the package included with the above. It details the products included with the Deluxe boxed version. Click on Pic to Enlarge |
1988 Promotional for the Book "Historical Atlas of the United States".... This shows the balance of the package included with the above. Click on Pic to Enlarge |
1989 Promotional Package for the 25th Anniversary Editions (Series) of Special Publications Books.... This shows the Registry Book that was displayed at Headquarters with the names of all subscribers to Special Publication Books at that time. (It was there, I saw it). Click on Pic to Enlarge
1989 Promotional Package for the 25th Anniversary Editions (Series) of Special Publications Books.... This shows the balance of the package included with the above. Click on Pic to Enlarge
1990 Promotional Package for the 6th Edition Atlas of the World.... This is a collage of the order card and poster sized brochure. 5 ½" x 8 ¾" folded. Click on Pic to Enlarge |
1990 Promotional Package for the 6th Edition Atlas of the World.... This is a collage of the letter, and inserts that came with the above. Click on Pic to Enlarge |
1990 Promotional Package for the Little Learners Library.... This is collage shows the small poster type brochure and an insert. 5 ½" x 7" folded. Click on Pic to Enlarge |
1990 Promotional Package for the Little Learners Library.... This collage shows the letter, and an insert with information for the parents of a preschooler. Click on Pic to Enlarge |
1990 Promotional Package for the 1991 Calendars.... This collage shows the order form and a pamphlet which is 3 ½" x 8 ¼"... a 4 section double sided fold out. Click on Pic to Enlarge
1990 Promotional Package for the 1991 Calendars.... This collage shows the letter, an insert, and a complementary wallet calendar. Click on Pic to Enlarge |
1990 Promotional for the Book "National Geographic Guide to National Parks".... This is a poster sized brochure. 5 ½" x 7 ½" folded. (shown is front and back). Package (see below) makes available a book video combination. Click on Pic to Enlarge |
1990 Promotional for the Book "National Geographic Guide to National Parks".... This collage shows the letter and an insert showing the book video combination. Click on Pic to Enlarge |
1990 Promotional for the Game "On Assignment".... This collage shows the mini poster size brochure and mailer envelope. (The front and back of the brochure is shown...5 ½" x 6 ½" folded.) Click on Pic to Enlarge |
1990 Promotional for the Game "On Assignment".... This collage shows the letter and inserts. Click on Pic to Enlarge |
1990 Promotional for the Book "Our World".... This is a poster sized brochure...... 5 ½" x 8 ¾" folded. (shown is the front and back). Click on Pic to Enlarge |
1990 Promotional for the Book "Our World".... This collage shows the inserts. Click on Pic to Enlarge |
1990 Promotional for the Book "Our World".... This collage shows the letter and an insert. Click on Pic to Enlarge |
1990 Promotional for the Children's Action Books... This is a poster sized brochure. 5 ½" x 8 ¾" folded. (other contents below) Click on Pic to Enlarge |
1990 Promotional for the Children's Action Books... This collage shows the letter and order card included with the brochure above. Click on Pic to Enlarge
1990 Promotional for the Children's Action Books... This collage shows some inserts designed so that the fun can start quickly. Click on Pic to Enlarge |
1990 Promotional for the Research and Exploration Periodical... This shows the trifold laid out... 8 ½" x 11" unfolded. It came in business envelope with an order card, return envelope, and letter. Click on Pic to Enlarge |
1990 Promotional for the Research and Exploration Periodical... This is the remainder of the mailing (above)... a letter and order blank. Click on Pic to Enlarge
1990 Promotional for magazine slipcovers.... This collage shows the letter and insert order card. Click on Pic to Enlarge |
1990 Promotional for the Book "Soviet Union Today".... This is a poster sized brochure... 5 ½" x 8 ¾" folded. (shown is front and back). This was mailed in a hand addressed envelope by Karen Sage to show me the newest book on the National Geographic Society book list.
1990 Promotional for the Special Publications books.... This came in a book invoice and showed the $8.95 books available. Click on Pic to Enlarge |
1990 Promotional for the Books for Young Explorers.... This is a poster sized brochure.... 5 ½" x 8 ¾" folded. (shown is the front and the mailback card). Click on Pic to Enlarge |
1990 Promotional for the Books for Young Explorers.... This is letter and an insert that came with the brochure above. Click on Pic to Enlarge |