Spoofs of National Geographic

and Other Literature about the Society

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1943NewYorker.jpg (203892 bytes) 1943   (Not In My Collection)

This is the Oct. 2, 1943 issue of  The New Yorker. This old war issue has about 6 pages in the second of three articles on Dr. Grosvenor, Pres. of the National Geographic Society (called Geographic in the New Yorker). It is sprinkled with cartoons, has both spoof and straight info, and is rather delightful for it's different ads (National Geographic would not accept alcohol or tobacco ads, etc.).

Click on Pic to Enlarge courtesy, Bob Simpkins)

1958Mad.jpg (250755 bytes) 1958

Sept. issue.  Mad spoofs everything, and it's National Geographic's turn in this one.

Click on Pic to Enlarge ......$75

1966Booth.jpg (150720 bytes) 1966

"Special National Press Club Inaugural Issue" - Jan. 29, 1966.  This special issue was concocted by National Geographic Society peers for the Inauguration of Windsor Booth to the Presidency of the National Press Club.  The picture was from the pages of a National Geographic magazine (Nov. 1944), but was used as the cover for this to poke fun at Booth, the National Geographic Society,  and the NPC.  It is magazine size, and contains 22 pages of ribald humor at the expense of nearly everyone and everything connected to this occasion.  Very Rare 

Click on Pic to Enlarge .... Not in my collection

1970PlayboyA.jpg (187128 bytes)

1970PlayboyB.jpg (174511 bytes)1970

Feb. Playboy –See How Other Mags would Photograph a Playmate

Not to make it seem like all spoofs are ribald, but given the historic National Geographic Society practices of photographing bare breasted non- Caucasian women, it stands to reason that they got a fair share of it.  The caption at right has been  "moved up" to protect our innocence.



Click on Pics to Enlarge .... $55


1972Lampoon.jpg (243910 bytes) 1972

This Sept. issue does a parody of National Geographic. You have to actually feel the lack of rough edges to know that the stamps and scuffed corners are imitation.  This proves the Lampoon was not even taking themselves seriously.

Click on Pic to Enlarge .... $125


This Poster- is a Faux June 1976 issue with "A Tavern Goers Map Of The Pacific Northwest States" It is a Special Issue for (MFR) Mountain Fresh Rainer lovers.

1976NfrPoster.jpg (164140 bytes)  Click on Pic to Enlarge .... $95
1987AmerPhotog.jpg (161584 bytes) 1987

Dec. American Photographer... Not all Magazines poked fun at the  National Geographic Society.  This is one of the more serious issues paying tribute to the National Geographic Society style of Photography. Because such literature may be a mixture of critique and accolade, I have included Magazines with material about National Geographic Society here.  There were many (see list above and in "Books on Collecting").

Click on Pic to Enlarge .... $65

1988a.jpg (263088 bytes) 1988

The following 6 pages are proof that "National Geographic can take a Spoof".  This series appeared in the 100 year Anniversary issue (Sept. 1988) and represents the authors favorite spoofs (either for humor, content, or by notable comic strip author).  This panel shows some of the notable spoofs by National Lampoon, the U.S. Geological Survey's Pick and Hammer Club, and the Mad Magazine.

Click on Pic to Enlarge (Sept. pg 352)  .... see the issue

1988b.jpg (303826 bytes) 1988

Click on Pic to Enlarge (Sept. pg 353)...  see the issue

1988c.jpg (346262 bytes) 1988

Click on Pic to Enlarge (Sept. pg 354).... see the issue


1988d.jpg (289935 bytes) 1988

Click on Pic to Enlarge (Sept. pg 355).... see the issue


1988e.jpg (184827 bytes) 1988

Click on Pic to Enlarge (Sept. pg 356).... see the issue


1988f.jpg (356461 bytes) 1988

Click on Pic to Enlarge (Sept. pg 357).... see the issue


1990Time.jpg (158996 bytes) 1990

The Time Magazine April 30, 1990... pg. 89 (press section shown in inset).  This is a partial view of the article about management changes which provides insight into the Society during a widening recession.

Click on Pic to Enlarge.... $45

1991Consumer.jpg (173982 bytes) 1991

Consumer Reports Jan., 1991... pg. 59 (finance questions section shown in inset).  For 1991, this estimate of National Geographic Magazine values wasn't too far off for that time.

 Click on Pic to Enlarge .... $35

1896c.gif (19586 bytes)  GO TO NG-COLLECTOR CENTER

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