NGS Items with Notable Signatures

Alaskan14Sig.jpg (72008 bytes) 1914 - Lawrence Martin                                 Back to the Link Page

                                       (co-author of Alaskan Glacier Studies)

There are better copies of this book which is VG+ (some in FINE came from the National Geographic Society archive sale), but I wouldn't trade for this one signed by Martin (front overleaf) as a presentation copy to Major H. L. Cavanaugh.  This copy has the maps in the back pocket still surrounded by the paper ribbon wrap. (see Technical Pubs.)

Click on Pic to enlarge                                        

ByrdLittleAmerica1930.jpg (7169 bytes) 1930

The "Little America" book front endpaper signed by Richard E. Byrd. (see Technical and related books)

Click on Pic to Enlarge 

Gorce35Sig.jpg (66085 bytes) 1935 - John Oliver La Gorce - Vice Pres. NGS

This business card though not signed is interesting. It was found paper clipped into a presentation copy of   the book "Insects.." No recipient is named... Happy Recollections?  Of Insects?  Go figure.

Click on Pic to enlarge....$25

Grov44Sig.jpg (81409 bytes) 1944 - Gilbert Grosvenor - Pres. NGS

I bought this in Mar. 1999 by offering $56 including postage and insurance after it failed to bring $69 at auction.   I did it because in addition to the signature, it is to an author (Enoch Chase) of a previous 1928 article in the magazine. The National Geographic Society logo showes up as a watermark in the paper.  You should be able to see it when the picture is enlarged.  


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Pueb59Sig.jpg (83882 bytes) 1959 - Neil M. Judd (author of this and several Smithsonian/National Geographic Society Volumes). It is signed by the author (front overleaf) as presentation copy to Wayne Boddie. (see Technical Publications)

Click on Pic to enlarge....$175

Buxbaum70Sig.jpg (66201 bytes) 1970 - Edwin C. Buxbaum, author (guide to collectibles)

This 1962 Buxbaum edition was signed (front overleaf) as a presentation to National Geographic Society employee Leon Canova who had it in his office at Headquarters.  I got it in 1999 from a VA. collector selling several things obtained from Leon. (see Books On Collecting Category)

Click on Pic to enlarge....$155

1990Grosv.jpg (20219 bytes) 1990 - Gilbert M. Grosvenor

Signed Business Card

Click on Pic to enlarge....$55

Grov90Sig.jpg (125965 bytes) 1990 - Gilbert M. Grosvenor, Chairman, National Geographic Society

This is a letter from the Chairman acknowledging a donation which resulted in several unique collectibles as well as inclusion on a donors mailing list.  Such lists are kept in computer data bases compiled for use in determining promotional mailings.  Lists of donors received many "exclusive" mailings including Christmas Cards. (also shown in Ephemera)


Click on Pic to enlarge....$25

Tylor91Sig.jpg (117973 bytes) 1991 - Paul Tylor, Vice Pres. NGS

This composite of a double sided letter from Paul Tylor is subsequent to a tour he gave Bob Simpkins and I.  It was arranged for me by Karen Sage who worked for Paul for a time.  I had been corresponding with Karen on her work on the National Geographic Society book list. During the tour, I found out Paul liked golf collectibles.  I sent him a few. Paul and I corresponded on National Geographic Society subjects (see below) as  well as collectibles.  Paul has since retired from the National Geographic Society.

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Grov91Sig.jpg (79019 bytes)  

1991 - Gilbert M. Grosvenor, Chairman NGS

1991 - Owen R. Anderson, Exec. Vice Pres NGS

I corresponded with Karen Sage who was charged with updating the book publications list.  She got quite a few collectibles for me including this 1989 book which I purchased from the gift shop and she picked it up and had it signed at a company function attended by the Chairman and Exec. Vice President.  The book is the Deluxe version.


Click on Pic to enlarge....$75

Tylor91SigA.jpg (176132 bytes) 1991 - Paul Tylor, Vice Pres. NGS

This composite is of a letter and two inclusions from Paul Tylor.  The medal shown has the front cover of  a magazine with a flag and is explained by the inset (white) internal memo. As best as I can figure, this medal was a prototype designed to become a commemorative.

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Nathan91Sig.jpg (467511 bytes)  

1991 - Roger Nathan, author (Collectibles of the National Geographic Society)

I got this (March 1989) magazine signed from Roger during a visit to his collection.  He was the first serious collector I visited, and had one of the most impressive collections I knew of at the time.  Roger has also been a large influence on the collector community with his book, National Geographic Society archive sale work, and his honest behavior.   Roger, more than anyone, knows the value of Ephemera (old or new) and how it reflects as an ongoing testimony to the National Geographic Society activities.

Click on Pic to enlarge....$55

Canby91Sig.jpg (45293 bytes) 1991 - Susan F. Canby, Dir. Library NGS

This is the last part of a Christmas note and business card from the Dir. of  the National Geographic Society Library. I met Susan during a tour given by Paul Tyler (VP), and sent her something in thanks.  This was the result.

Click on Pic to enlarge)....$25

Carey92Sig.jpg (105978 bytes) 1992 - Carey, (author - this CD)

This is not a notable signature, but is a lead-in to the following two signed correspondences. This suggestion was sent on the date shown.

Click on Pic to enlarge....Not to Leave My Collection

Tylor92Sig.jpg (114543 bytes) 1992 - Paul Tylor, Vice Pres. NGS

This is a Holiday card and ornament from Paul Tylor with a note in response to the above letter. (see also Ephemera)

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Rutter92Sig.jpg (89859 bytes) 1992 - John A. Rutter, Comments Coordinator, National Geographic Society

I'd like to think that despite this "beaurocratic" response, my suggestion was somehow influential in the subsequent feature "Flashback" which tells about past photos of interest from the National Geographic Archives. (see also Ephemera)

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Grov98Sig.jpg (123924 bytes) 1998 - Gilbert M. Grosvenor, Chairman NGS

Susan E. Forbes - Chair of the Dept. of Geography, Indiana University of Penn. - is a grateful user of my website.   When she organized the 1998 Commencement Ceremony Speech by Gilbert M. Grosvenor, she was kind enough to bring a copy of my Web FrontPage, and he was kind enough to sign it along with the Wyeth issue below.


Click on Pic to enlarge....$75

Grov98ASig.jpg (303876 bytes) 1998 - Gilbert M. Grosvenor, Chairman, National Geographic Society

This Wyeth Family issue was presented to Mr. Grosevnor for an additional signature for me by Susan E. Forbes. (see above).

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1896c.gif (19586 bytes)  GO TO NG-COLLECTOR CENTER

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