National Geographic Society Magazine Indexes 

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1923Index.jpg (115761 bytes) 1923

Cumulative Index to the National Geographic Magazine...1899 to 1922 inclusive... rust buckram.  This is the first time the National Geographic Society issued anything other than annual or semi-annual indexes.  

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1926Index.jpg (127424 bytes) 1926

Cumulative Index to the National Geographic Magazine...1899 to 1925 inclusive... rust buckram

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1935Index.jpg (147842 bytes) 1935

Cumulative Index to the National Geographic Magazine...1899 to 1934 inclusive... green buckram

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1937Index.jpg (54614 bytes) 1937

Cumulative Index to the National Geographic Magazine...1899 to 1936 inclusive... brown buckram

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1938IndexSupp.jpg (44344 bytes) 1938

Supplement for 1937... The were used to update any version of the hardbound index until a new cumulative version was released.

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1941Index.jpg (82249 bytes) 1941

Cumulative Index to the National Geographic Magazine...1899 to 1940 inclusive... rust buckram

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1946IndexSupp.jpg (65877 bytes) 1946

Supplement for 1941-45

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1947Index.jpg (102500 bytes) 1947

National Geographic Magazine Cumulative Index...1899 to 1946...6th ed.... blue cloth

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1948IndexSupp.jpg (39811 bytes) 1948

Supplement for 1947

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1949IndexSupp.jpg (60012 bytes) 1949

Supplement for 1947-48

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1952Index.jpg (82261 bytes) 1952

National Geographic Magazine Cumulative Index, Vol. I, 1899 - 1946... blue cloth

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1957Index.jpg (91380 bytes) 1957

National Geographic Magazine Cumulative Index, Vol. II, 1947 - 1956... blue cloth

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1959IndexSupp.jpg (42554 bytes) 1959

Supplement for 1957-58

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1963IndexSupp.jpg (49773 bytes) 1963

Supplement for 1957-62

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1964Index.jpg (74652 bytes) 1964

National Geographic Index...1947 - 1963

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1964IndexSupp.jpg (130627 bytes) 1964

Supplement for Jan. - June 1964... This is an unusual mid-year inclusion of a 6 month magazine type index (with an added note in red) in the purchase of the above 1963 index.

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1965IndexSupp.jpg (47329 bytes) 1965

Supplement for 1964 

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1967IndexSupp.jpg (48494 bytes) 1967

Supplement for 1964-65 (Note that the Hardcover Indexes that this supplement was for are listed on the front...As of this printing, no comprehensive index of  1888 to 1898 issues existed.)

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1967Index.jpg (88527 bytes) 1967

National Geographic Index...1888 - 1946...  printed by Judd & Detweiler, Inc.

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1970Index.jpg (89449 bytes) 1970

National Geographic Index...1947 - 1969

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1972IndexSupp.jpg (46432 bytes) 1972

Supplement for 1970-71 

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1973IndexSupp.jpg (44172 bytes) 1973

Supplement for 1970-72

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1978IndexSupp.jpg (38233 bytes) 1978

Supplement for 1977 

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1982IndexSupp.jpg (42320 bytes) 1982

Supplement for 1977-81 

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1984Index.jpg (96209 bytes) 1984

National Geographic Index...1947 - 1983

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1985IndexSupp.jpg (41482 bytes) 1985

Supplement for 1984 

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1989Index.jpg (107694 bytes) 1988

National Geographic Index...1888 - 1988  A very comprehensive Index in a single Volume that has been supplemented with updates and the search engine in the magazine CD ROMs, but will never be replaced until an updated (say 115 year) Index is issued.  That is because nothing else has all of the National Geographic Society publications (maps, books, and multimedia) cross referenced. It did lack, however, the advertisement index that is in the CD ROM set. Don't expect a newer hardcopy version anytime soon.

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1989IndexBox1.jpg (161313 bytes) 1989

The Index slipcover (front)

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1989IndexBox3.jpg (165368 bytes) 1989

The slipcover (rear)

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1989IndexBox2.jpg (45906 bytes)


The slipcover (spine)

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1989aindex_small.jpg (37735 bytes) 1988

Supplement for 1989

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198991Index.jpg (42902 bytes) 1992

Supplement for 1989-91 

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1994IndexSupp.jpg (46127 bytes) 1994

Supplement for 1989-93 

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1995IndexSupp.jpg (34288 bytes) 1995

Supplement for 1994 

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1996IndexSupp.jpg (31793 bytes) 1996

Supplement for 1995 

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1997IndexSupp.jpg (31400 bytes) 1997

Supplement for 1996 

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1998IndexSupp.jpg (31142 bytes) 1998

Supplement for 1997 

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1998IndexSupps.jpg (44417 bytes)


Cumulative Index Supplement to the 1988 Index for subsequent years 1989 - 1998.

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1999IndexSupps.jpg (95416 bytes) 1999

Supplement for 1999 

The last of the 20th Century Indexing is advertised in this catalog entry along with other items. 

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National Geographic Society 6 Month Indexes, 

Contents & Illustrations Lists  

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It would be nice if this category were simple, a group of 6 month indexes that we know National Geographic Society did to support (include in) the binding of a collection, and a known start date for them.  Unfortunately, there are some paper examples of contents, lists of illustrations, and indexes (or a combination of all of these) for early years that can be confused with what is in early magazines or what evolved into 6 month indexes later.  Here's what has evolved:

*** The first cumulative index of magazine content was in Vol. II #5 and covered all before it.

*** Next covered Vol III in #5 (2/19/1892 issue).

*** Next covered Vol IV in #7 (2/20/1893 issue).

*** Next covered Vol V in #6 (5/5/1893 issue).

*** Next covered Vol VI in #9 (10/31/1895 issue).

*** Next covered Vol VII in Dec. # (1896 where the magazine became monthly).

*** Next covered Vol VIII in Dec. # (1897).

*** Next covered Vol IX in Dec.# (1898).

*** Next covered Vol X in Dec.# (1899).

*** Next covered Vol XI (1900) and was a separate paper index supplement. (rare).

*** 1901, 02, 03, 04 Dec. Issues (Vol's XII thru XV) had an index in the issue.

*** 1905 Dec. Issue (Vol. XVI) There also was a separate paper index supplement. (also rare).

*** 1906 thru 1909 Dec. Issues (Vol's XII thru XV) had an index in the issue.

*** 1910 began separate paper supplements sent to members on request.  (The early versions of these are fairly rare).  

Now, there are samples of separate Contents pages (the same as those at the front of early magazines), lists of illustrations (also in the front of magazines), and indexes or a combination of these that seem to have been provided at some point.  This would seem to indicate that the National Geographic Society did these to help institutions or binders to add to annual and semi-annual bound Volumes.  As the following pictures will show, these may be found in old or new paper which suggests there were printing re-runs to meet demand over the years.  This is also true of the next group:

*** 1917 to the 1992.... 6 month indexes which were sent by request. One could get a whole run of these sent at nominal shipping cost until the early 1990's. By then, however, many of the indexes were reprints, some were obviously mimeographed.  1992 was the last of such indexes provided at no cost.  Here are examples of everything explained above:

a1898index.jpg (115473 bytes) 1898 

These are examples of Contents page, Illustrations page, (both in the front) and Index page (rear) of an actual magazine.  These were all that readers had to find material in magazines.  As noted above, the Dec. Indexes were cumulative for a given year.  Except for the 1900 and 1905 separate supplemental Indexes, this was continued until Dec. 1909.

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a1912Content.jpg (62676 bytes) 19??

This 1912 Contents page is surely a later printing as judged by the white, slicker paper than below.

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a1913Content.jpg (74148 bytes) 1913

This is the Contents page that probably is a separate printing of the contents of Vol. XXIV done in that era. It was never included in a magazine and has not been used in a bound volume either.  These were no doubt done to include in bound sets, but is different than the combination Contents/Index version (next).

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a1914ConIndex.jpg (88600 bytes) 1914

This is the example of the First page, Contents page, and first Index page of a booklet that had two blank pages covering it in the front and rear.  This is surely a complete "separate Index" as sent on request starting in 1910 (annual) and became semi-annual starting with this one.  Such "Indexes" were produced thru the first half of 1916.

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a1916index.jpg (138675 bytes) 1916 (July - Dec.)

This is the first example found of this version of cover for semi-annual indexes.  This format included a contents page as well as index pages. The inside front cover had the board members and officers listed. This format continued through 1988 (see next).

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a1989indexl.jpg (103985 bytes) 1989 (Jan - June)

Other than minor changes to the Board and Officers page, or slight text font changes, this is the first alteration to the 6 mo. indexes since 1916.  It was to last until 1992 when "no cost" indexes were discontinued.  After that, the 1989-1993 and newer supplements to the full cumulative index (see the section above) are the only version to replace the 6 mo. Indexes.  There are differences in these versions.  Some of the detail about articles are not in the full cumulative indexes.  Just as the CD ROM search engine is improved by it's inclusion of the advertising search, it lacks the details about the other National Geographic Society products that are in the cumulative indexes.  You have to use all the means available when the search gets difficult, and the 6 mo. indexes are sometimes useful.  They are no more.

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1896c.gif (19586 bytes)  GO TO NG-COLLECTOR CENTER

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