NGS Explorer Balloon Items                             Back to the Link Page

Items for sale are shown in RED, all the rest are shown as information on what is in this very collectible category

1934Oct.jpg (128060 bytes) 1934 Oct.

This issue has the detailed report of the Explorer I balloon flight which terminated due to a rip in the fabric at an altitude above 60,000 feet, and then had a final burst in the balloon fabric about a minute before crashing. The article makes interesting reading with pictures of the impact showing the parachutes of the surviving crew, and the spectrograph. The fabric from this balloon was ripped apart by Nebraska folks for souvenirs. This record altitude attempt was announced in the April 1934 issue and some details were given on the preparations in the July 1934 Issue.

Click on Pic to Enlarge  see magazine section for this item

Army.bal.JPG (104590 bytes) 1934 

First Day Cover for Explorer (front side of envelope)

Click on Ebay Pic to Enlarge 

army.bal1.JPG (56973 bytes) 1934 

First Day Cover for Explorer (back side of envelope above)

Click on Ebay Pic to Enlarge  

Truck.jpg (48426 bytes) 1934 Rise Studio Card... This is the Explorer I gondola being delivered on an Ary Truck.


Planning.jpg (40431 bytes) 1934 Rise Studio Card... This card shows the aviators discussing the facts.
ballooncardsmisc.jpg (155762 bytes) 1934 Rise Studio Cards... View Cards larger.

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Fabric.jpg (42988 bytes) 1934 Rise Studio Card... This card shows the fabric for the balloon being assembled.


1935Bal.jpg (1055234 bytes) 1935

Post Card..."Explorer I"...this card has a b/w photo of "Explorer I" tugging at its mooring lines. This was issued for the 1935 flight (Explorer II) with the pilots signatures on the front. Note that the 1935 event pass (below) had the Explorer I pictured for the event as well.

Click on Pic to Enlarge 

1935Oct.jpg (134882 bytes) 1935 Oct.

This issue has the report of the failed attempt to launch Explorer II. Detailed analysis of the splits near the balloon top gas release panel are given. The balloon had to be returned to Goodyear Rubber for repairs.  This second record altitude attempt was announced in the Feb. 1935 issue and some details were given on the preparations in the June 1935 Issue.

Click on Pic to Enlarge see magazine section for this item

firstday.jpg (90382 bytes) 1935

Balloon Burst Inflating - 3 A. M. July 12, 1935...First Day Cover... postmarked in Rapid City, S. D.

Click on Ebay Pic to Enlarge 

1935BalPass.jpg (54322 bytes) 1935

This pass was for admittance to the Stratobowl for the 1935 launch of Explorer II. (see the details for admittance below).


Click on the Pic to Enlarge this contribution of Charles Gannon

1935BalPass1.jpg (36719 bytes) 1935

These are the details for the above pass.

Click on the Pic to Enlarge this contribution of Charles Gannon

1935BalTkt.jpg (33900 bytes)


This is a souvenir ticket to the 1935 Explorer II balloon launch.

Click on the Pic to Enlarge this contribution of Charles Gannon

balloonpillowcase.jpg (60662 bytes)  


Souvenir Satin Pillow...(not stuffed)...drawing (on gold colored satin)  of "Explorer II" in flight w/ Mount Rushmore and Black Hills shown...printed Souvenir of National Geographic Society - Army Air Corps Stratosphere. This would appear to be a S. Dakota produced souvenir.

Click on the Pic to Enlarge this contribution of Charles Gannon

1936Jan.jpg (129633 bytes) 1936 Jan.

This issue has extensive reporting on the success of Explorer II (Nov. 11, 1935 Flight).  The surviving balloon was protected from vandals and was used for official NGS balloon bookmark mementoes (see below).

Click on Pic to Enlarge see magazine section for this item

1936May.jpg (132843 bytes) 1936 May

This issue has detailed scientific results from data collected during the flight.  It also had the pictorial of the "Curvature of the Earth" which was taken aloft. (see pictorials section).

Click on Pic to Enlarge see magazine section for this item

Strat4.jpg (145100 bytes) 1936

Dow Metals Commemorative Balloon Flight Coin...issued by Dow Chemical Co...made from the same alloy as the "Explorer II" gondola. 

Click on Pic to Enlarge .... either coin (obverse of each shown) $375

Strat5.jpg (156166 bytes) 1936

Dow Metals Commemorative Balloon Flight Coin...issued by Dow Chemical Co...made from the same alloy as the "Explorer II" gondola. 

Click on Pic to Enlarge .... either coin (obverse of each shown) $375


Bal35Sig3.jpg (971038 bytes) 1935

Post Card...Pilots in Front of Gondola...b/w photo of Explorer pilots... signed by pilots.

Click on Pic to Enlarge 

1935Explorer1.jpg (86279 bytes) 1935

Stratosphere Series No. 1...The National Geographic Society - U. S. Army Air Corps Stratosphere Flight of 1934 in the Balloon "Explorer"... paper cover technical report on flight. 7" x 10"  122 pages... Spine is plain (paper same as the covers)  

Click on Pic to Enlarge 

1936Explorer2.jpg (65353 bytes) 1936

Stratosphere Series No. 2...The National Geographic Society - U. S. Army Air Corps Stratosphere Flight of 1935 in the Balloon "Explorer II"...paper cover technical report on flight.  7" x 10"  278 pages... Spine is plain (paper same as the covers) Also included is the first pictorial from 73395 feet showing the curvature of the earth, etc. This book is over 3/4" thick.

Click on Pic to Enlarge ....$600

1937Explorer2Note.jpg (65860 bytes) 1936

Explorer II note which was paper clipped into front of the technical report (above).  It indicates that this is a presentation of the volume compliments of the NGS. Additional copies $1.50 (actual cost of printing and mailing at that time).  4.5" x 6"

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1936Bookmark3.jpg (129668 bytes) 1936

Balloon Bookmark...typical example of the bookmark made from the actual fabric of "Explorer II" of balloon in flight on one side and technical information on the other side.  These are 2 1/4" x 7" (both sides shown separately)

Click on either Pic to Enlarge ....$175


1936Bookmark4.jpg (128792 bytes) 1936

Balloon Bookmark...a better example of the bookmark made from the actual fabric of "Explorer II" of balloon in flight on one side and technical information on the other side.  These are 2 1/4" x 7"  (both sides shown separately)

Click on either Pic to Enlarge ....$225  


1936Letter.jpg (127088 bytes) 1936

Balloon Bookmark Presentation Letter...form letter entitled


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balloonbookmark1.jpg (61657 bytes) 1936

Goodyear Rubber Co. (promotional) Balloon Bookmark...made from fabric of "Explorer II...drawing of balloon in flight and pilots name on one side and information on other.

Click on Pic to Enlarge 

1955Nov.jpg (136054 bytes) 1955 Nov.

This issue celebrates the 20th anniversary of the epoch flight.

Click on Pic to Enlarge see magazine section for this item

1963Jan.jpg (192265 bytes) 1963 Jan.

This is the 75th anniversary issue of the NGS.  The high drama of the escape from Explorer I is used on the cover. Both Explorer I and II are recapped in this issue.

Click on Pic to Enlarge see magazine section for this item

ExplorerIIPostcard.jpg (38267 bytes) circa 1970's

The Explorer II gondola on display at Explorers Hall.  Most of the postcards of this era were about such exhibitions at Headquarters. (see other postcards in the Headquarters section).

Click on Pic to Enlarge see Headquarters / Explorers Hall category for this postcard. (click the link below). 


1896c.gif (19586 bytes)  GO TO NG-COLLECTOR CENTER

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