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1993 to 1995 Items 1996 to 1997 Items 1998 to 2000 Items
1993-1995 Items

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1993Archive1.jpg (77875 bytes)


This is a letter from Paul Tylor to collectors announcing a National Geographic Society archival sale.... 8 ½" x 11". Faced with declining membership and increased costs, the Society decided to let collectors become the guardians of excess materials that were found hard to store and protect. One of the books I received from this sale was damaged by rodents.  The list of items sold is shown below.

Click on Pic to Enlarge....... $....NOTE.... I will be pricing items on this page soon. In the meantime, make an offer on a bulk purchase.....

E Mail Me

1993Archive2.jpg (89464 bytes)

1993  Page one....Archive Sale

The Society sought the help of Roger Nathan (collector and collectibles author) to establish fair market value for the items.  Naturally there were critics among certain dealers for "flooding the market" with reasonably priced items most of which were in uncirculated condition.  Most collectors embraced the opportunity.

Click on Pic to Enlarge

1993Archive3.jpg (82046 bytes) 1993  Page two....Archive Sale

In fact, the quantity of items in mostly fine condition had a tendency to effect prices which has continued all these years.   

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1993Archive4.jpg (67172 bytes) 1993  Page three....Archive Sale

For the dedicated collector, this represented an opportunity to expand, improve, or complete certain categories.  Many categories were included in the sale, but there were no magazines or maps for sale.

Click on Pic to Enlarge

1993Archive5.jpg (65809 bytes) 1993  Page four....Archive Sale

The number of categories represented made this a unique opportunity with little advance notice for planning.  I'm sure most participants wished they had bought more.  There was no indication if there would be subsequent sales.

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1993ArchiveB.jpg (98918 bytes) 1993

This is a letter of notice about a delay in shipment of archive materials until the week of Sept. 13.  8 ½" x 11".

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1993ArchiveA.jpg (73518 bytes) 1993

This is a letter of notice about the shipment of the archive materials to be done by Sept. 28.  8 ½" x 11".

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1993Award1.jpg (62495 bytes)


This is a Program for the Chairman's Award Presentation Ceremony and Reception.

7" x 7" folded.

Click on Either Pic to Enlarge


1993Award2.jpg (38227 bytes)

1993CardNdx.jpg (50076 bytes) 1993

This is a Notice of elimination of  the 6 mo. magazine indexes in favor of annual indexes at $3.00 each.   6" x 3 ½"

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1993Invoice.jpg (76882 bytes) 1993

This is an invoice for catalog items with an ornament offered gratis. 8 ½" x 6 ¾"

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1993LtrNdx.jpg (72228 bytes) 1993

This is a letter of thank you for suggestions about additional index entries.  8 ½" x 11".

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1993OnTour.jpg (79945 bytes) 1993

On Tour... Autumn 1993-Spring 1994  This is the first such publication I received which is designed to promote National Geographic Society organized travel.  10" x 7".  35 pages.

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1993OnTourB.jpg (109067 bytes) 1993

On Tour... Spring-Fall 1994 (copyright 1993) 10" x 7".  31 pages.

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1993Report.jpg (60338 bytes) 1993

National Geographic Society Report of Programs - 1992... dated Sept. 29, 1993... (see the letter below). 11" x 8 ½".

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1993ReportA.jpg (135651 bytes) 1993

This is a Grosvenor Letter about programs and encouraging member correspondence on ideas for the future.  8 ½" x 11".

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1993ReportB.jpg (100920 bytes) 1993

Grosvenor Letter, cont'd

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1993Xmas.jpg (55303 bytes) 1993

Paul Tylor sent this Christmas Card and ornament that has artistic renditions of the original Hubbard Memorial Hall. 7" x 5" folded.

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1993Xmas2.jpg (15760 bytes) 1993

This is a Christmas Ornament from a National Geographic Society order... 4 ¼" x 5" including card back.

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1993Xmas1.jpg (87222 bytes) 1993

This is a Christmas Card from the Simpkins... 7 ½" x 5 ½" folded.

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1994Invoice.jpg (73961 bytes) 1994

This is an invoice for catalog items.

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1994OnTour.jpg (102848 bytes) 1994

On Tour... Winter-Spring 1995 (copyright 1994) 10" x 7". 72 pages.

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1995OnTour5.jpg (104636 bytes) 1994

On Tour... Summer-Fall 1995 (copyright 1994) 11" x 7". 74 pages.

Click on Pic to Enlarge

1994ProSEAsiaTour.jpg (175518 bytes) 1994

This is a SE Asia Tour Brochure... 4 pages folded... 8 ½" x 11".

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1994ProSEAsiaTourB.jpg (133664 bytes) 1994

This is a SE Asia Tour Letter (front) and reservation form (reverse) 8 ½" x 11".

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1994Report.jpg (55790 bytes) 1994

This is a Report of Programs for 1993-94 from Grosvenor.  11" x 8 ½".  

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1995Connections.jpg (145179 bytes)


Connections Vol. #1. Fall 1995. "News about Donors and Programs they Support"... 17" x 11"... and it's insert (right)... 4" x 6".

Click on Pics to Enlarge

..... All Connections publications have left my collection.

Connections Pubs have left my collection.1995ConnectionsAa.jpg (45179 bytes)

1995GCouncil.jpg (29621 bytes) 1995

This is a Booklet detailing participation in the Grosvenor Council... It is a quality layout with project photos. 5" x 7". 20 pages 

Click on Pic to Enlarge

1995GCouncil1.jpg (26025 bytes)


This is a Grosvenor Council Enrollment Form...$1000 annual dues level... 5" x 7" folded 4 pages.

Click on Pic to Enlarge

1995GCouncil2.jpg (32203 bytes)


This is a Grosvenor Council Forum Enrollment Form...$2500 annual dues level... 5" x 7" folded 4 pages.

Click on Pic to Enlarge

1995GCouncil3.jpg (24667 bytes)


This is a Grosvenor Council Forum Roundtable Enrollment Form...$5000 annual dues level... 5" x 7" folded 4 pages.

Click on Pic to Enlarge

1995GCouncil4.jpg (67359 bytes) 1995

This is an invitation to attend member events offered with an early application to the Council. 5" x 5" folded 4 pages.

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1995GCouncil5.jpg (101257 bytes) 1995

This is a letter from Grosvenor explaining the creation of the Council and benefits of participation.... 5" x 7" folded double sided.

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1995GCouncilA.jpg (34903 bytes) 1995


This is the mailer, return envelope, and the logo of the Council.  

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1995GCouncilB.jpg (80836 bytes) 1995

This is a reminder card for participation in the Grosvenor Council to be in time for another event.... 4 x 5 ½" four pages folded shown here in composite.

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1995Journeys.jpg (122920 bytes) 1995

Journeys Abroad for 1996 (copyright 1995). 8" x 10 ¾"  32 pages.

Click on Pic to Enlarge

1995Journeys1.jpg (120265 bytes) 1995

Journeys Abroad for 1996 (copyright 1995). 8" x 10 ¾"  (Small differences from above).  32 pages.

Click on Pic to Enlarge

1995Journeys2.jpg (110946 bytes) 1995

Journeys Abroad for 1996 (copyright 1995). 8" x 10 ¾"  (Journeys differ from above). 32 pages.

Click on Pic to Enlarge

1995OnTour.jpg (76767 bytes) 1995

On Tour... British Tour 1995... 10" x 7". This came in envelope with letter and reservation form for this individually promoted tour.  8 pages.

Click on Pic to Enlarge

1995OnTour2.jpg (80381 bytes) 1995

On Tour... Mediterranean Shores Tour 1995... 10" x 7". This came as a bulk rate was an individually promoted tour.  10 pages accordion fold.

Click on Pic to Enlarge

1995OnTour3.jpg (80043 bytes) 1995

On Tour... Russian Waters Tour 1995... 11" x 6". This came as a bulk rate mailing... and was an individually promoted tour.  10 pages accordion fold.

Click on Pic to Enlarge

1995OnTour4.jpg (83758 bytes) 1995

On Tour... Baltic Sea Countries Tour 1995... 11" x 7". This came as a bulk rate mailing...  and was an individually promoted tour.  10 pages accordion fold.

Click on Pic to Enlarge

1995OnTour6.jpg (84979 bytes) 1995

On Tour... French Provence Tour 1995... 11" x 6". This came as a bulk rate mailing...  and was an individually promoted tour.  10 pages accordion fold.

Click on Pic to Enlarge

1995OnTour7.jpg (80745 bytes) 1995

On Tour... Hudson River Tour 1995... 11" x 6". Came as a bulk rate mailing... and was an individually promoted tour.  10 pages accordion fold.

Click on Pic to Enlarge

1995OnTour8.jpg (87079 bytes) 1995

On Tour... Alaskan Costal Tour 1995... 11" x 7". This came in envelope with a letter and reservation form for this individually promoted tour.  8 pages.

Click on Pic to Enlarge


1996-1997 Items Return to Top

1996BConnections.jpg (121864 bytes)


Connections Vol. #2. Mar. 1996. "News about Donors and Programs they Support"... 17" x 11"... and it's insert (right)... 5" x  8 ½".

 Click on Pics to Enlarge

..... All Connections publications have left my collection.

1996BbConnections.jpg (75885 bytes)

1996CConnections.jpg (114752 bytes)


Connections Vol. #3. July 1996. "News about Donors and Programs they Support"... 17" x 11"... and it's insert (right)... 5" x  8 ½"  folded. (shown here composite)

 Click on Pics to Enlarge

..... All Connections publications have left my collection.

1996CcConnections.jpg (91186 bytes)

1996DConnections.jpg (101604 bytes)


Connections Vol. #4. Oct. 1996. "News about Donors and Programs they Support"... 17" x 11"... and it's insert (right)... 5" x  8 ½"  

 Click on Pics to Enlarge

..... All Connections publications have left my collection.

1996DdConnections.jpg (65950 bytes)

1996Invoice.jpg (60978 bytes)


This is an invoice for Catalog Products.  8 ½" x 6 ¾"

Click on Pic to Enlarge

1995GCouncilC.jpg (217514 bytes)


This is a Brochure for "Egypt with the Grosvenor Council".  5 ¾" x 11" accordion folded - 8 pages.

Click on Pic to Enlarge

1995GCouncilD.jpg (89343 bytes)


This is a letter from the Grosvenor Council Director with information about field experiences available for Council Member participation.  This is a promotional to join both the Council and the field experiences (below). 8 ½" x 11".

Click on Pic to Enlarge

1995GCouncilE.jpg (62567 bytes)


This is a Brochure for a trip to the Antarctica.  5 ¾" x 11" accordion folded - 10 pages.

Click on Pic to Enlarge

1996LtrDlr.jpg (65305 bytes)


This is a letter of inquiry for updated information required to maintain ones collector/dealer status with the National Geographic Society.

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1996OnLine.jpg (108122 bytes)


This is a broadside announcing the National Geographic Society online presence. A VERY HISTORIC MARK IN SOCIETY HISTORY! Included online were a subscriber/collector/dealer Bulletin Board, search capability, online store, and events information to list some of the content. Shown overlay is a website card.  (text continued below).

Click on Pic to Enlarge


1996OnLine2.jpg (113887 bytes)


This is the Broadside (above) continued.

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1996OnLine3.jpg (170345 bytes)


This is a letter of introduction to the online Collectors and Dealers page within the new National Geographic Site. Included is a request for  updated information to appear in the collector/dealer section of the National Geographic Society site.  8 ½" x 11" (2 pages are shown in partial composite).

Click on Pic to Enlarge


1996LtrGive.jpg (100344 bytes)


This is a Fall 1996 Brochure Soliciting Planned Giving using Charitable Tax Strategies.  8 ½" x 11". This came folded in an envelope with a Letter, Return Card and Envelope for it.

Click on Pic to Enlarge

1996LtrGiveA.jpg (96660 bytes)


This is a Fall 1996 Letter Soliciting Planned Giving using  Charitable Tax Strategies.  8 ½" x 11". This came folded in an envelope with a Return Card (see the composite insert) and the envelope for it.

Click on Pic to Enlarge


1996OnTour.jpg (62571 bytes)


On Tour... Member Travels for 1997 (copyright 1996) 11" x 7". 48 pages.

Click on Pic to Enlarge


1996Receipt.jpg (49282 bytes)


This is a receipt for items from the National Geographic Society Store (1996 visit).

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1997CdBeta.jpg (72299 bytes)

1997 - July

This is a mailing label and business card from Sarah Clark that were included with the delivery of a Beta Copy of the CD Rom project.  I received this for evaluation in preparation for the video interview I was recruited to do with Stan Bunger, a Bay Area Video News Reporter. (see participant cards below). The Beta CD's I received are shown in Rare and Misc. section. 

Click on Pic to Enlarge

1997CDPromos.jpg (31179 bytes)


These are business cards from visitors and participants in the Video Shoot for promotion of the CD ROM set.  The National Geographic Society Sr. Vice President was interview by Stan Bunger, and the Mindscape PR Director escorted Mr. Lux from the airport.  The video was aired on a local station (and possibly others) and I received a copy.  

Click on Pic to Enlarge


1997LtrArchive.jpg (144200 bytes)

1997 Aug.

This is a letter of explanation of the terms and conditions for the magazine and maps archive sale. Subsequently, an 800# detailed the items to be included.  Many collectors and dealers requested detailed information for planning their purchases.  Early organization was chaotic, but the results were very satisfactory.

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1997ArchiveInv.jpg (94024 bytes)

1997 - Aug. ARCHIVE SALE

This is a list of magazines with and without maps that I purchased.... 2 pages 8 ½" x 11". The total years involved in the sale were from 1889 - 1914.   I concentrated on issues with maps as they seemed most reasonably priced. The National Geographic Society apparently did the inventory and pricing "in-house" and the issues were always reasonably priced even if the grading was slightly off.  Participants had to call an 800# and only one customer at a time was served (first come, first served).  Unlike the first sale, satisfaction was guaranteed.  I had one issue delivered without it's map, and they still had a VG with map to send for replacement.

Click on Pic to Enlarge (2 pages composite)

1997CDEmails.jpg (82929 bytes)


These are E-mail copies from various comments received in response to my inquiry about a CD ROM single CD Demo offer. 

Click on Pic to Enlarge  (Composite of  the mails)

1997CDInvoice.jpg (57792 bytes)


Invoice for purchase of 4 sets of the CD ROM.

Click on Pic to Enlarge


1997EConnections.jpg (97196 bytes)


Connections Vol. #5. Feb. 1997. "News about Donors and Programs they Support"... 17" x 11"... and it's insert (right)... 5" x  8 ½"  

 Click on Pics to Enlarge

..... All Connections publications have left my collection.

1997EeConnections.jpg (94731 bytes)
1997FConnections.jpg (107611 bytes)


Connections Vol. #6. May 1997. "News about Donors and Programs they Support"... 17" x 11"... it's insert... 5" x  8 ½",  is the same format as Vol.I #5 above . 

Click on Pics to Enlarge

..... All Connections publications have left my collection.

1997GConnections.jpg (116283 bytes)


Connections Vol. #7. Oct. 1997. "News about Donors and Programs they Support"... 17" x 11"... it's insert... 5" x  8 ½",  is the same format as Vol.I #5 above . 

Click on Pics to Enlarge

..... All Connections publications have left my collection.

1997Jns.jpg (100167 bytes)


Journeys Abroad for 1997 (copyright 1997). 8" x 10 ¾"  (Journeys differ from the above 1996 version). 32 pages.

Click on Pic to Enlarge

1997OnTour.jpg (76109 bytes)


On Tour... Member Travels for 1997 (copyright 1997) 11" x 7". 40 pages.

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1997OnTour1.jpg (150035 bytes)


On Tour... Member Travels for 1997 - 1998 (copyright 1997) 11" x 7". 32 pages.

Click on Pics to Enlarge


1997Prices.jpg (44259 bytes)


This is an back issues price list from the National Geographic Society.

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1997RtnLbl.jpg (72435 bytes)


This is a Mailing Label for return of the third "Big Cats" CD that I received with a damaged box.

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1998 to 2000 Items Return to Top
1998Give.jpg (155318 bytes)


This is a letter and return card concerning donation to help further research, exploration, and education. 8 ½" x 11". A copy of Stanfield's "Eye of the Beholder" was offered for a donation of $250 or more.

Click on Pic to Enlarge


1998HConnections.jpg (97214 bytes) 1998

Connections Vol. #8. Feb. 1998. "News about Donors and Programs they Support"... 17" x 11"... it's insert... 5" x  8 ½",  is the same format as Vol.I #5 above . 

Click on Pic to Enlarge

..... All Connections publications have left my collection.

1998IConnections.jpg (91627 bytes)


Connections Vol. #9. June 1998. "News about Donors and Programs they Support"... 17" x 11"... and it's insert (right)... 5" x  8 ½"  folded 

 Click on Pics to Enlarge

..... All Connections publications have left my collection.

1998IiConnections.jpg (94714 bytes)

1998JConnections.jpg (120139 bytes)


Connections Vol. #10. June 1998. "News about Donors and Programs they Support"... 17" x 11"... and it's insert (right)... 5" x  8 ½"  folded 

 Click on Pics to Enlarge

..... All Connections publications have left my collection.


1998JjConnections.jpg (95754 bytes)
1999Council.jpg (235129 bytes)


This is a mailing about trips for Grosvenor Council Members on National Geographic Society field expeditions... 8 ½" x 14".... folded in quarters to fit the envelope.  This side has information on Africa, Antarctica, and Maui expeditions.

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1999CouncilA.jpg (210208 bytes)


The trips for Grosvenor Council Members (reverse), shows a submersible adventure off British Columbia, Chilean Lakes, and Ancient Egypt.

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1999CouncilB.jpg (96969 bytes)


This is a letter concerning trips for Grosvenor Council Members. 8 ½" x 11".... It was included with the above.

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1999Give.jpg (171291 bytes)


This is a letter and return card concerning donation to help further research, exploration, and education. 8 ½" x 11"...  A copy of "100 yrs. of Adventure and Discovery" was offered for a donation of $250 or more.

Click on Pics to Enlarge


1999Hurst.jpg (131015 bytes)


This is an on site hand out of promotion for the "5 story tall" National Geographic Society sponsored movies. These were showing at a Destination Cinema, Inc. owned facility at the visitors center of Hearst Castle, San Simeon, CA.  The Castle is a State Historical Monument, and the Theatre is a modern high tech venture, with the National Geographic Society involved with providing the content... 11" x 2 ¾" (both sides shown).

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1999HurstA.jpg (107826 bytes)


This is a Pamphlet hand out at Hearst Castle, San Simeon, CA. It is a State Historical publication with the NGS Logo and information on the back....  8 page (accordion folded).... 4" x 9" folded.  

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1999HurstB.jpg (143873 bytes)


This is a Card hand out collected by a friend (along with the two above) at San Simeon, CA.... 2 sided 4" x 9".  There are several major Tourist sites in North America with such joint ventures between the National Geographic Society, the attractions,  and the theaters.  Visit the internet online> for others. 

Click on Pics to Enlarge

1999KConnections.jpg (114485 bytes)


Connections Vol. #11. Feb. 1999. "News about Donors and Programs they Support"... 17" x 11"... it's insert... 5" x  8 ½",  is the same format as Vol.I #10 above . 

Click on Pic to Enlarge

..... All Connections publications have left my collection.

1999LConnections.jpg (115211 bytes)


Connections Vol. #12. June 1999. "News about Donors and Programs they Support"... 17" x 11"... it's insert... 5" x  8 ½",  is the same format as Vol.I #10 above . 

Click on Pic to Enlarge

..... All Connections publications have left my collection.

1999MConnections.jpg (101711 bytes)


Connections Vol. #13. Oct. 1999. "News about Donors and Programs they Support"... 17" x 11"... it's insert... 5" x  8 ½",  is the same format as Vol.I #10 above . 

Click on Pic to Enlarge

..... All Connections publications have left my collection.

1999Expeditions.jpg (187020 bytes) 1999

National Geographic Expeditions for April - Dec. 2000...  8 ½" x 11"..... 75 pages. Included is a 13 Day excursion to Peru and Machu Picchu that costs $4750 per person (double occupancy) plus $668 airfare from Miami to Lima and return.  Add $895 for a single room. Flights in Peru are included.

Click on Pic to Enlarge 

1896c.gif (19586 bytes)  GO TO NG-COLLECTOR CENTER

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