National Geographic Special Publication Books



1966                     1) Our Country’s Presidents...1st ed., 1st pr.


                              2) The River Nile...1st ed.  and map


                              3) Isles of the Caribbees...1st ed., 1st pr.


1967  End Series 1    #4)  My Friends The Wild Chimpanzees...1st ed., 1st pr.


                              5) Exploring Canada From Sea to Sea...1st ed. and map dated 1967


                              6) World Beneath the Sea...1st ed., 1st pr.


                              7) The Revolutionary War...1st ed., 1st pr.


                              Our Country’s Presidents...1st ed., 2nd pr.                                             


1968  End Series 2    #8)  Isles of the South Pacific...1st ed. and map


                              9) Australia...1st ed. and map dated 1968


                              10) Man’s Conquest of Space...1st ed.


                              11) Vanishing Peoples of the Earth...1st ed., 1st pr.


                              Our Country’s Presidents...1st ed., 3rd pr.                                             


                              The River Nile...2nd ed.                                                                              


                              Isles of the Caribbees...1st ed., 2nd pr. and map dated 1968


1969 End Series 3   #12)  The Wild Realm - Animals of East Africa...1st ed., 1st pr.


                              13)  Alaska...1st ed. and map dated 1969


                              14)  The Civil War...1st ed., 1st pr. and map dated 1969


                              15)  Discovering Man’s Past in the Americas...1st ed.


                              Our Country’s Presidents...2nd ed.


                              Exploring Canada From Sea to Sea...2nd ed. and map dated 1969


                              World Beneath the Sea...1st ed., 2nd pr.




1970   End Series 4  #16)  Exploring the Amazon...1st ed.


                              17) Hawaii...1st ed. and map


                              18)  In the Footsteps of Lewis and Clark...1st ed.


                              19) Gypsies - Wanderers of the World...1st ed.


                              Our Country’s Presidents...3rd ed.


                              My Friends The Wild Chimpanzees...1st ed., 2nd pr.


                              The Revolutionary War...1st ed., 2nd pr.


                              Isles of the South Pacific...2nd ed., 1st ed. and map


                              Australia...1st ed., 2nd pr. and map dated 1970...copyright shown as 1968


1971 End Series 5  #20)  Those Inventive Americans...1st ed.

                               A version showing Thomas Edison on DJ                                              

                               A version showing Wright Brothers on DJ                                            

                              21)  The Mighty Mississippi...1st ed.


                              22)  As We Live and Breathe - The Challenge of Our Environment...1st ed.


                              23)  Nomads of the World...1st ed.


                              Isles of the Caribbees...2nd ed. and map dated 1971


                              Exploring Canada From Sea to Sea...3rd ed. and map dated 1971


                              Vanishing Peoples of the Earth...1st ed., 2nd pr.


                              Alaska...2nd ed. and map dated 1971


                              The Civil War...1st ed., 2nd pr. and map dated 1971


1972   End Series 6  #24)  The American Cowboy In Life and Legend...1st ed.


                              25) The Appalachian Trail...1st ed., 1st pr.


                              26)  Great American Deserts...1st ed.


                              27)  The Vikings...1st ed.


                              Our Country’s Presidents...4th ed.


                              The Revolutionary War...1st ed., 3rd pr.


                              Man’s Conquest of Space...2nd ed.


1973    End Series 7  #28)  The Alps...1st ed.


                              29)  American Mountain People...1st ed.


                              30)  Primitive Worlds - People Lost in Time...1st ed.


                              31)  America’s Inland Waterway - Exploring the Atlantic Seaboard...1st ed.


                              Our Country’s Presidents...5th ed.


                              World Beneath the Sea...2nd ed.


                              Man’s Conquest of Space...3rd ed.


                              The Wild Realm Animals of East Africa...1st ed., 2nd pr.


                              Discovering Man’s Past in the Americas...2nd ed.


                              The Appalachian Trail...1st ed., 2nd pr.


1974   End Series 8  #32)  Vanishing Wildlife of North America...1st ed.


                              33)  Life in Rural America...1st ed.


                              34)  Undersea Treasure...1st ed.                                                              


                              35)  The Wild Shores - America’s Beginnings...1st ed., 1st pr.


1975    End Series 9  #36)  The Pacific Crest Trail...1st ed.


                              37) The Craftsman in America...1st ed.


                              38)  The Incredible Incas and Their Timeless Land...1st ed., 1st pr.


                              39) Amazing Universe...1st ed., 1st pr.


1976   End Series 10  #40) The Majestic Rocky Mountains...1st ed.


                              Our Country’s Presidents...6th ed.


                              Isles of the South Pacific...2nd ed., 2nd pr. and map


                              Man’s Conquest of Space...4th ed.


                              The Civil War...1st ed., 3rd pr. and map dated 1974


                              41)  John Muir’s Wild America...1st ed.


                              42)  Clues to America’s Past...1st ed.


                              43)  Alaska - High Roads to Adventure...1st ed.



1977   End Series 11  #44) Railroads - The Great American Adventure...1st ed.


                              45) Still Waters - White Waters...1st ed.


                              46) Nature’s Healing Arts - From Folk Medicine to Modern Drugs...1st ed.


                              47)  The Mysterious Maya...1st ed., 1st pr.


                              Our Country’s Presidents...7th ed. With a new front cover of dust jacket.


                              The Civil War...1st ed., 4th pr. and map dated 1974


1978 End Series 12 #48)  Powers of Nature...1st pr.


                              49)  The Ocean Realm...1st ed.


                              50)  Into the Wilderness...1st ed., 1st pr.


                              51)  America’s Sunset Coast...1st ed.


1979   End Series 13  #52  Mysteries of the Ancient World...1st ed., 1st pr.


                              The Incredible Incas and Their Timeless Land...1st ed., 2nd pr.


                              53)  America’s Majestic Canyons...1st ed.


                              54)  Trails West...1st ed.


                              55)  Exploring America’s Backcountry...1st ed.


                              Our Country’s Presidents...8th ed.


1980    End Series 14  #56)  Isles of the Caribbean...1st ed.


                              57)  America’s Magnificent Mountains...1st ed., 1st pr.


                              58)  Back Roads America - A Portfolio of Her People...1st ed.


                              59)  The Great Southwest...1st ed.


                              The Revolutionary War...1st ed., 4th ed.


                              The Incredible Incas and Their Timeless Land...1st ed., 3rd pr.


                              The Amazing Universe...1st ed., 3rd pr.


1981  End Series 15  #60)  Voyages to Paradise - Exploring in the Wake of Captain Cook...1st pr.


                              61)  High Country Trail - Along the Continental Divide...1st ed.


                              62)  The Mighty Aztecs...1st ed., 1st pr.


                              63)  America’s Atlantic Isles...1st ed.


1982   End Series 16  #64)  America’s Spectacular Northwest...1st ed.


                              65)  Secret Corners of the World...1st ed.


                              66)  Canada’s Wilderness Lands...1st ed.


                              67)  On The Brink of Tomorrow: Frontiers of Science...1st ed.


                              The Civil War...1st ed., 5th pr. and map dated 1974


1983   End Series 17  #68)  Preserving America’s Past...1st ed.


                              69)  America’s Wild and Scenic River...1st ed.


                              70)  America’s Hidden Corners - Places Off the Beaten Path...1st ed.



                              71)  Nature’s World of Wonders...1st ed., 1st pr.


                              Our Country’s Presidents...9th ed., 2nd pr.


                              The Revolutionary War...1st ed., 5th pr.


                              The Civil War...1st ed., 6th pr. and map dated 1974


                              The Wild Shores - America’s Beginnings...1st ed., 2nd pr.


                              The Mysterious Maya...1st ed., 2nd pr.


                              Into the Wilderness...1st ed., 2nd pr.


1984  End Series 18  #72)  Alaska’s Magnificent Parklands...1st ed.


                              73)  Exploring America’s Valley - From the Shenandoah to the Rio Grande...1st ed.


                              74)  Wild Lands for Wildlife - America’s National Refuges...1st ed.


                              75)  Lakes, Peaks, and Prairies - Discovering the US - Canadian Border...1st ed.


                              The Incredible Incas and Their Timeless Land...1st ed., 4th pr.


1985   End Series 19  #76)  Exploring America’s Scenic Highways...1st ed.


                              77)  America’s Wild Woodlands...1st ed.


                              78)  Blue Horizons - Paradise Isles of the Pacific...1st ed.


                              79)   Seashore Wonderlands...1st ed.


                              The Amazing Universe...1st ed., 4th pr.


                              Mysteries of the Ancient World...1st ed., 2nd pr.


                              Nature’s World of Wonders...1st ed., 2nd pr.


                              The Mighty Aztecs...1st ed., 2nd pr.


1986   End Series 20   #80)  Our Awesome Earth - Its Mysteries and Its Splendors...1st ed.


                              81)  Builders of the Ancient World...1st ed.


                              82)   Great Hideaways...1st ed.


                              83) Nature on the Rampage - Our Violent Earth...1st ed.


                              The Incredible Incas and Their Timeless Land...1st ed., 5th pr.


                              America’s Magnificent Mountains...1st ed., 2nd pr.


1987   End Series 21  #84)  Window on America - Discovering Her Natural Beauty...1st ed.


                              85)  America’s Outdoor Wonders - State Parks and Sanctuaries...1st ed.


                              86)  Majestic Island Worlds...1st ed.


                              87)  Traveling the Trans-Canada - From Newfoundland to BC...1st ed.


                              The Mighty Aztecs...1st ed., 3rd pr.


1988   End Series 22  #88)  America’s Ancient Cities...1st ed.


                              89)   Hidden Wilderness - Lands of Seclusion...1st ed.


                              90)  Excursion to Enchantment - A Journey to the Worlds Most

                              Beautiful Places...1st ed.


                              91)  Mountain Adventure - Exploring the Appalachian Trail...1st ed.


                              The Incredible Incas and Their Timeless Land...1st ed., 6th pr.


                              The Mysterious Maya...1st ed., 4th pr.


                              Nature’s World of Wonders...1st ed., 3rd pr.


1989   End Series 23  #92)  Great American Journeys...1st ed.


                              93)  Yellowstone Country - The Enduring Wonder...1st ed.


                              94)  New England - Land of Scenic Splendor...1st ed.


                              95)  Surprising Lands Down Under...1st ed.


                              The Mysterious Maya...1st ed., 5th pr.


                              The Mighty Aztecs…1st ed., 4th pr.


1990   End Series 24  #96)  The World’s Wild Shores...1st ed.


25th Annv. #        97)  Yosemite - An American Treasure...1st ed.


25th Annv. #        98)  The Emerald Realm - Earth’s Precious Rain Forests...1st ed.


25th Annv. #        99)  Hidden Worlds of Wildlife...1st ed.


                              The Civil War…1st ed., 7th pr.


1991   End Series 25th Annv. #100) Pathways to Discovery - Exploring America’s national Trails...1st ed.


                              101)  Grand Canyon Country - Its Majesty and Its Lore...1st ed.


                              102)  Canada’s Incredible Coasts...1st ed.


                              103)  Heartland of a Continent...1st ed.


1992   End Series 26  #104)  Beyond the Horizon - Adventures in Faraway Lands...1st ed.


                              105)  America’s Hidden Treasures - Exploring Our Little-Known

                              National Parks...1st ed.


                              106)  Mysteries of Mankind...1st ed.                                                      


                              107)  Blue Ridge Range - The Gentle Mountains...1st ed.


                              The Incredible Incas and Their Timeless Land...1st ed., 7th pr.


1993   End Series 27  #108)  Forgotten Edens - Exploring the World’s Wild Places...1st ed.


                              109)  Canyon Country Parklands - Treasures of the Great Plateau...1st ed.


                              110)  Unlocking Secrets of the Unknown...1st ed.


                              111)  Hawaii’s Hidden Treasures...1st ed.


1994   End Series 28  #112)  Our Changing Earth...1st ed.


                              113)  Our Inviting Eastern Parklands from Acadia to the Everglades...1st ed.


                              114)  Alaska’s Wildlife Treasures...1st ed.


                              115)  Frontline of Discovery - Science on th e Brink of Tomorrow...1st ed.


1995   End Series 29  #116)  Enduring America...1st ed.


                              117)  Animal Kingdoms - Wildlife Sanctuaries of the World...1st ed.


                              118)  Exploring Canada’s Spectacular National Parks...1st ed.


                              119)   Forces - Earth in Upheaval...1st ed.


1996   End Series 30  #120)  The Rockies - Pillars of a Continent...1st ed.


                              121)  Great Journeys of the World...1st ed.


                              122)  Visions of a Wild America - Pioneers of Preservation...1st ed.


                              123)  Wild Shores of Australia...1st ed.


1997   End Series 31  #124)  American Legacy - Our National Forests...1st ed.


                              125)  Islands Lost in Time…1st ed.


                              126)  Exploring America’s Historic Places…1st ed.


                              127)  Into the Unknown – Solving Ancient Mysteries…1st ed.


1998   End Series 32  #128)  Natural America…1st ed.


129)  Antartic The last Continent…1st ed.


130)  Wild Animals of North America…1st ed.


131)  The American Southwest…1st ed.


1999    End Series 33  #132)   Range of Light – The Sierra Nevada… 1st ed.


133)  America A.D. 1000… 1st ed.


134)   Exploring The Great Rivers Of North America… 1st ed.


135)   Long Road South: The Pan American Highway


2000    End Series 34  #136)    Americas Back Roads and Byways


137)    Yellowstone to Yukon


138)     Enduring Treasures: National Parks of the World


139)     Trail of Tears - Paths of beauty


    2001 End Series 35  #140)     Ancient Pioneers - The first Americans


141)     The Treasures of Alaska


142)     Exploring the Solar System


143)     Exploring Americas Wild and Scenic Rivers